Matthew HankersonFeb 91 minCheck-out our Citrine crystal necklacesConsider making a Citrine crystal a regular part of your routine. This lively, brilliant yellow gemstone is cherished for its ability to...
Matthew HankersonFeb 81 minSolar Plexus Chakra, visualization is a powerful tool!To balance your Solar Plexus Chakra, visualization is a powerful tool. Visualize a vibrant, intense yellow light precisely at your solar...
Matthew HankersonFeb 71 minStimulate and Nourish Your Solar Plexus ChakraIn order to stimulate and nourish your Solar Plexus Chakra, consider incorporating specific crystals into your daily routine. Use...
Matthew HankersonFeb 61 minConfidence is within you. Tap into your Solar Plexus ChakraAffirmations have the power to rewire our thinking patterns and shape our lives in profound ways. By using statements like "I am...